It’s the end of the world as we know it, and digital disruption is to blame – or should we say thank? Indeed, companies eager to come out on top in their increasingly competitive industries are embracing the opportunities of digital supply chain transformation with open arms. So, what about you? Are you ready to transform your supply chain to maximize your company’s competitive advantage? Let’s do this!
Challenges facing the supply chain industry
Supply chains are growing in complexity. As illustrated below, the three main challenges lie in global networks, rising customer expectations and a series of contextual factors. As a result, inventory levels and backlogs are increasing, as is the pressure on working capital and the number of well-meant yet empty promises towards customers, and so forth.
At the end of the day, your company’s survival all comes down to excellent supply chain management. Managing your supply chain (more) efficiently and creating a reliable digital supply chain network is not just a means of getting through the day, but a prerequisite to deliver added value in the long run as well.
No idea how to start overhauling your supply chain? We hear you. But rest assured, because helping partners overcome disruption through digital supply chain transformation is what AE has been doing for years. To optimize your future successes, we apply both a business and technological perspective and, not to forget, factor in the human aspect as well.
The 3 pillars of supply chain transformation
Given the challenges facing the supply chain industry and the highly complex environment in which organizations must operate these days, AE always focuses on three pillars – operational excellence, digital platforms and human capital – which we believe hold the key to tackling current and future business issues.
Given the challenges facing the supply chain industry and the highly complex environment in which organizations must operate these days, AE always focuses on three pillars – operational excellence, digital platforms and human capital – which we believe hold the key to tackling current and future business issues.
Operational excellence
Regardless of your business strategy, it’s important never to lose sight of what really creates added value for your customer. To organize your operations as efficiently as possible and achieve operational excellence, obtaining a clear view of the status quo is a great, if not vital starting point. However, this is best done with the bigger picture in mind, taking account of all possible connection points in your supply chain ecosystem and keeping your eyes peeled for opportunities to exploit.
Digital Platforms
Realizing your company is part of an ecosystem is one thing, collaborating with and coordinating between all those different players is another. If you succeed in doing so, however, it will help tremendously in building a digital business model equipped to thrive in ever-changing situations. One condition for an efficient supply chain environment are connected systems, platforms and even products which smoothly communicate with one another.
Human Capital
Companies undergoing digital supply chain transformation must have an eye for their people, too. Ideally, employees are involved in the digital story from the get-go to allow for a smooth transition. Getting employees to accept the process of digital transformation as early as possible starts by communicating the purpose of the transformation and designing applications that appeal to them from the very beginning.
This how we do it
AE supports organizations who want to tap into the full potential of digital disruption. We provide them with the right mix of business knowledge, architecture and technology expertise, always adopting an end-to-end holistic approach. To kickstart your supply chain journey, we will help you to:
Understand business challenges and develop a future-proof strategy to tackle them
Set up and deliver innovative supply chain projects
Make the right architectural and technological choices (vendor-independent) to remain relevant in the coming years
Stay tuned!
This article is part of a series of blogposts in which we discuss each of the abovementioned pillars in detail. What roles do operational excellence, digital platforms and human capital play within digital supply chain transformation in general? And how does AE make sure its customers benefit from implementing these essential pillars, both in theory and in practice? Stay tuned to find out!
Questions? In the mood for a chat?
If you’re not sure whether our solutions offer an answer to your problem, please don’t hesitate to contact us! We look forward to providing you with the best possible strategy to tackle your challenges.