A Q&A with Brigitte Narmon, lead of the AE Utilities Community, about the challenges of the Belgian energy sector and how AE prepares for this (r)evolution?
5 Questions about the challenges in the energy sector
By Brigitte Narmon on 05 February 2015
The AE Blog: Looking back and looking forward
By ae.admin on 29 January 2015
Last year in May, we launched our new AE Blog. We want to thank our 4.000+ readers who spent on average two and a half minutes on our blog per session. Of course this wouldn't have been possible without the hard work of our authors, the AE employees who created over 50 posts for you to read. A big 'thank you' to them as well.
Does your customer care about his journey and your touch points?
By Filip Hendrickx on 18 December 2014
So we have analysed the customer's journey, looking not only at the different steps our customer goes through, but also how he feels along the way. We've also checked the different touch points the customer interacts with and identified gaps or points for improvement. Useful techniques that help us better serve the customer. But one question is left untouched: does the customer care?
Journeys and touch points: two sides of the same coin
By Filip Hendrickx on 06 November 2014
In my previous post and related article, I explained how I believe customer journeys can be used to guide strategic investments. Customer journeys can help you find out where and how your organisation can improve the long term customer experience. Armed with that knowledge, you can then define the required change projects.
Customer journeys as a strategy guide
By Filip Hendrickx on 23 October 2014
A while ago, I published an article in the IRM UK newsletter on business process modelling. In the article, I explain the value of and relation between different kinds of process models. I also propose to use customer journeys to guide strategic choices and investments in process (and other) improvements. In this post, I briefly summarise the key messages of the article and elaborate on how to use customer journeys as a guide for your strategic investments.