Last month, AE organized its first hackathon. For two days, seven teams worked feverishly towards the realisation of their idea. At stake was a €2000 reward for the winning team. Despite the simplicity of this concept, a hackathon is not just a game. Moreover, it proved to be an efficient way to leverage innovation, creativity and knowledge sharing.
Why a hackathon is not a game
By Valerie Taerwe on 13 November 2014
ng-europe 2014: interesting evolutions in the AngularJs world
By Glenn Dejaeger on 30 October 2014
AngularJS is one of the most popular, complete and advanced HTML frameworks of the moment. Recently, the first Angular conference in Europe – ng-europe – took place in Paris. My colleague Thomas Anciaux and I attended it and in this post I will highlight the most important takeaways.
Why Everbody is Talking Analytics but Nobody is Doing it?
By Bram Vanschoenwinkel on 07 August 2014
Undoubtedly you already heard about the strategic and competitive advantages Business Analytics can deliver by bringing you wisdom and insights derived from your company data.
“Analytics is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it…”
But is this really the case? Is Analytics really worthwhile talking about? And more importantly, how can companies go from just talking about it to actually and successfully doing it?
Simplicity and change
By Filip Hendrickx on 30 September 2013
The twentieth BAEA Café was once again very inspiring. Koen Knaepen, known from the COSTA model, talked about how your approach to modelling may help or impede business architecture from improving an enterprise. Tom Graves (twitter, blog, Café slides) moved enterprise architecture’s focus away from IT and towards people. This blog contains some take aways from this seminar.
Keep it simple
Plenty architecture models and frameworks try to capture as much as possible from reality. As a consequence, they become far too complex. In the end, only the creators understand these models. First and foremost however, a model should serve to create a common understanding, help communication and inspire. Hence, keep it simple.